Never before, in such a short time, have we faced so many transformations. The technological revolution and globalization have reinvented geography, disregarded cultural, physical and even economical differences. The weirdest markets in the world have become the most stable and promising. And, believe it or not, all hope to obtain big scale of functional or emotional consumption, now comes from them.
We are living in a time incompatible with anything that is kept functioning by the force of habit, be it a company or a belief. The fact is that nobody, absolutely nobody, can afford to act by inertia in this new reality. More than ever, companies need to assimilate the new worldwide dynamic or they will be swallowed by its own obsolescence.
Oddly enough, the news is good, at least for the creative people. In fact, companies, governments and the whole world never needed creativity as much as today, either to approach people’s expectations or to simply appear on their radar of interests.
But what kind of “creativity” are we speculating about? Well, once these words go to an audience interested on advertising, probably the usual reference is the advertising creativity.
But what is the advertising creativity today other than the last step in companies’ strategic framework? It is a creative package that bundles a service or a product, already designed, to get in touch with the market and the people. This type of creativity became specialized in creating lenses – or special glasses - that suggest people will see things from a particular point of view, be it more sympathetic, more targeted, more humane or more pop.
Hence, a really interesting paradox arises. Customers and companies are asking for 3 wishes: faster, cheaper and more efficient. Based on this, imagine that we begin to revise our concepts.
Imagine how many steps could be eliminated and how much money could be better invested if the creative strategic thinking left the end of the line on business processes to create, with the companies, their products, services and, especially, to find their true vocation.
Imagine if the connection with the business of creativity was something far beyond taglines, banners or spots, or if, at least the starting point did not depend on them at all.
Now, imagine products and services created with native engagement, being desired even before they arrive on the shelves or before any industrial process is started. Imagine the brands’ potential to pursue its real interactive vocation. Imagine this as the starting point for dialogue and real communications with consumers instead of communications based only on media concepts.
Imagine also how different from the usual would be the activation work, propagation and seeding of this product in time to take it to the people. Not to mention its stickiness and finally the sustainability of investments and the efforts of all involved.
I confess it's very exciting to imagine this new scenario, full of new possibilities. But on the other hand, we can ask how many people are ready; or have “repertoire”, or mentality or even interest in offering a creative vision based on this scenario?
And, not to be partial, I also take this opportunity to think about the clients: are they interested in changing the corporate modus operandi? They want to build new strategies to improve their business? Would they like to share the creation of new royalties or patents for their companies? Do they want new partners, brave enough to run risks side-by-side?
Anyway, once again, it’s all about creativity, and creativity definitely is not a department. It is simply a necessary attitude in this new world so cruel towards the ordinary attitude. But the truth is: there is no right or wrong. There are only those who want to get out of the inertia. And you? Have you ever thought about this?
Article published on November 23rd at Meio&Mensagem.
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